人工芝の利点 & 芝
合成草で, 水やりなどの定期的な芝生のメンテナンスに取り組む必要はもうありません, 草刈り, 施肥, そして草抜き. 人工芝を使用すると、本物の芝生を生き生きと健康に保つために必要なメンテナンスの時間を節約できます。, 水道光熱費を節約してお金を稼ぐ, そして、一年中よく見えるでしょう. メンテナンスが減少したため、水の使用量が減少しました, これは費用対効果の高い代替品であるだけでなく、環境に優しい代替品でもあります。.
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For wholesale purchases of artificial grass for specialty putting synthetic green, Sunwinggrass is undoubtedly your trusted partner! We will help you and your customers reap the joy of playing in your backyard or anywhere.
Specialty synthetic putting greens provide superior endurance and are the best 人工芝 for any golf application, including putting green mini golf, golf mats, driving ranges, batting cages, bocce courts, and more. これ 緑を置く is a short, durable nylon product with a non-porous rubber backing specifically designed for easy installation without the need for a sand filling.
Tianyou Grass custom-designed putting greens are made from our carefully selected grass that looks and feels like natural grass. We will work with you to create the green design of your dreams!