犬の飼い主として, 私たちは、親友が新鮮な空気と屋外での運動を必要としていることを知っています. 毎日の散歩やドッグパークへの時折の訪問を超えて, 庭で遊んだり走り回ったりすることは、私たちの毛むくじゃらの友達が得ることができる最高の毎日の活動です.. しかし、犬と手入れの行き届いた芝生が常にうまく調和するとは限りません。. Which is why Tianyou Grass is the perfect solution to keep your yard green and beautiful all year long, and your furry friends happy and safe too!
Tianyou Grass is specifically designed with active dogs in mind. It can withstand heavy use, wear and tear, and has a 15-year warranty with up to 25-year lifespan expectancy. The U-shaped turf blades offer extra resilience and a natural look and feel of real grass. The short 1-1/8 inches of pile height creates an ideal playing surface for sports activities, tennis courts, サッカー, そして 蹴球 play areas too.
Emerald and olive green turf blades with double-layered brown and green thatch feel clean, soft, and comfortable against naked toes and paws. It’s easy to maintain and clean Pet Turf lawn as well since we’ve designed it to have double the permeability compared to other faux grass products. You can easily rake occasional debris off the surface, or hose off spills and pet mess with ease. Pet Turf is durable and keeps the outdoor spaces clean and perfectly dry no matter rain, snow, or humidity. Proprietary Tianyou Grass technology is built right into the which backing allows ideal drainage.
Pet Turf is 100% Lead-Free, making it a safer choice for children and pets than natural grass that needs fertilizers and chemicals to stay weed-proofed and healthy. No more turf disease, バグ, ticks, fleas, and insects living in your lawn waiting to harm your family and pets. By installing Tianyou Grass, you’re solving the most problematic issues associated with lawn care while your family and pets enjoy a cost-effective all year round beautiful yard.
Unlike many synthetic grass companies, Tianyou pet grass understands that pet urine can and will create unwanted odors that will turn your new synthetic lawn into an unpleasant experience. This is why it is important to make sure the urine does not bond with the turf backing. The Tianyou pet grass utilizes a five step process to drastically curtail odor issues by focusing on aeration, drainage, neutralization and of course beauty.
Each step of our system complements the other to create the perfect combination for great looking and fresh smelling 人工芝. From our antibacterial Durafill, urine neutralizing ATD, UV stabilized Pet Turf, 穴あきドレインコアを当社の無毒ターフフレッシュに接続するこのシステムは、ペットの飼い主のニーズを満たすように設計されました。. 小さなペットを 1 匹飼っている場合でも、大きな動物の家族全員を飼っている場合でも、, 天佑草はまさにあなたが必要とするものです. 当社のシステム内のすべての製品はテストされており、ペットだけでなく安全でもあります。, しかし環境.
糸 形: 「C, S, W, U,M, ダイヤモンド型などの形状も追加予定.
色的に: フィールドグリーンとは異なる色の組み合わせ, オリーブグリーン, ライムグリーン, 黄褐色, 等.
杭の高さ: 15-60んん
ゲージ: 3/8″, 3/4″, 5/8″, 5/16″, 3/16″, 5/32″.
ty グラスは、本物の芝生の代替品を必要とする犬とその飼い主にとって最高の人工芝です。. ぬかるみなどの一般的な草の問題にうんざりしている場合, 穴, そして芝生に黄色いシミができた, ペットに優しい当社の人工芝は耐久性があります。, mess-free solution that looks great all year round.