1. هذا عشب صناعي artificial turf is mixed by two tone green straight monofilament and two colors curl yarn Make your court more beautiful and more natural.
2. High dtex make the yarn more soft touch feeling
3. خلاف ذلك, عشب صناعي العشب الاصطناعي style for landscaping use with high UV resistance. يمكن أن تكون فترة الضمان 8 سنوات.
4.محاكاة العشب الحقيقي, مع ثبات اللون الممتاز والألوان الزاهية.
5. أداء جيد للصرف, الاحتكاك المنخفض, وخصائص الأشعة فوق البنفسجية;
6. مقاومة عالية للتلف, والتي يمكن أن تحسن المساحة بشكل فعال
7. رصيف بسيط, صيانة غير مكلفة;
8. تنطبق على مجموعة متنوعة من المناخ, صالحة للاستعمال في جميع الأحوال الجوية
استخدام المنتج
1. قياس حجم المجال الخاص بك.
3. أرسل لك الميزانية الإجمالية
4. اختر منتجًا
5. ارسم تصميمًا
6. تأكد من الأمر
7. تحضير الطلب 10 أيام حولها.
8. حاوية التحميل .
9. الوصول إلى الوجهة.
1. العشب على الجلد ناعم والألياف دون ضرر
3 .مقاومة الأشعة فوق البنفسجية, تآكل, العفن, والتلوث البيئي, لا يتلاشى,
4. أداء جيد للتهوية والصرف
How often should I water my artificial grass?
Drought restrictions in California prevent homeowners from watering their natural grass lawns on a regular basis. Because artificial turf is made of synthetic materials, it does not need to be watered at all, except when the homeowner decides to occasionally rinse it off.
Can you leave artificial grass out in the winter?
How to Care for Artificial Grass in Snowy Weather – Synthetic …
Many homeowners throughout the US love artificial grass landscaping for its ability to withstand cold weather and come out of winter unscathed. Whereas natural grass will die off in extreme conditions, artificial turf won’t be damaged by frost or other winter weather such as heavy rain or hail.
What are the negatives of artificial grass?
The Pros and Cons of Artificial Grass
Artificial turf does have a few potential drawbacks:
Surface heat. Artificial turf holds more heat than natural grass, so it can feel warm to the touch. …
Artificial grass does not flame up, but it can melt if something such as a hot charcoal falls on it or under intense reflected sunlight from a window.
What artificial grass is best for kids?
Best Artificial Grass for Kids, Babies & Pets
ty grass 38mm the number one choice as an artificial grass safe for kids which means it is also great for playgrounds, nurseries, colleges, universities and for any active family spaces!
Do ticks live in artificial grass?
Artificial turf features short blades of grass that never grow, which means that ticks and fleas won’t be able to hide out anywhere. Synthetic grass also doesn’t retain moisture, preventing ticks from coming in and spreading
Why do they spray water on artificial turf?
Watering an Artificial Turf Field? —
Watering artificial turf fields can: Lubricate the surface which reduces injuries. Cools the surface so rug burns are minimized. Stabilize the surface which adds to the longevity of the field.
What is the lifespan of artificial grass?
How Long Does Artificial Turf Last? – May 20, 2021. A perk of artificial turf is its longevity. With average use and maintenance, you can expect to enjoy your synthetic grass for at least 20 سنوات, a worthwhile investment that essentially pays for itself in half that time.
Is turf or grass better for kids?
coli live in the soil on natural lawns and children can be exposed to these bacteria when they run around barefoot. Playground turf protects them from exposure to bacteria which can cause infections. As a result, kids will be healthier overall and more likely to enjoy their time in the yard.
What artificial grass is best for kids?
Best Artificial Grass for Kids, Babies & Pets
ty grass 38mm the number one choice as an artificial grass safe for kids which means it is also great for playgrounds, nurseries, colleges, universities and for any active family spaces!